I help students learn about biology—and science in general—by teaching relevant content and skills with a blend of active, experiential, inquiry-based, and passive learning opportunities. I also support student learning through incremental development of metacognition and extensive use of field trips. In summary, I borrow what I find useful from a variety of teaching styles and encourage students to take an active role in their education.
Courses Taught
- BIO 110 Biological Inquiry
- BIO 111 Biostatistics
- BIO 280 Conservation Biology in Hawaii (study away; see reel from Ja23 offering)
- BIO 290c Special Topics in Biology: Avian Ecology
- BIO 320 Urban Ecology
- BIO 380 Conservation Biology
- BIO 423 Ecology
- BIO 499 Evolution Seminar
- COR 400 Science and Human Nature
- ENV 101 Introduction to Environmental Studies
- ENV 401 Seminar in Environmental Studies
- ENV 495 Internship in Environmental Studies
Teaching Publications
Mendelson, JR, R Donnelly. 2011. The crisis of global amphibian declines: events, causes, and consequences. Teaching module for the Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners, American Museum of Natural History.
Donnelly, R. 2009. An assessment of assemblage nestedness in habitat fragments. Ecological Society of America’s Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology 6.